mandag 20. juli 2009

Traces of irritation part un

You can drink as much alcohol as you wish to. Pour down a bottle of wine in 5 minutes with your "girlies" when you're getting ready. Shot like you never seen a bottle of fizzy "Apple sour" before. Get uncharmingly drunk, send drunken sleezy text messages to your entire friend list. Wee like a madman in your neighbourhood's nicely trimmed bushes, and vomit in the back of the night bus.
But please spare me for your drunken antics on Le Facebook every bloody Sunday afternoon. Statuses like "Oh God, I am so hungover it's insane", "Can someone please fill in the blank for me last night?", "I will never ever drink again" etc. are so annoyingly unnecessary. I might sound like a bitter 40 year old, but it's not sensational to get drunk, neither to wake up with a painful headache the glorious morning after.

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