tirsdag 24. februar 2009

Glimpse of depression

Hall: I was a bit depressed earlier today.
Oats: Oh no, here we go again.
Hall: It only lasted for three minutes though, so no worries.
Oats: Three minutes? How can you be low for three minutes?
Hall: You can do a whole lot of thinking in three minutes you know.
Oats: Actually when I think about it, I was depressed here the other day. But I kept my mouth shut, didn’t want to cause any effin domino effect. Think it lasted for 10 minutes.
Hall: That’s a lifetime mate.

mandag 23. februar 2009

tirsdag 10. februar 2009

Nice Girls

Oats: Why dont you hang out with the girls more often?
Hall: They´re scary.
Oats: What?!
Hall: They have high pitch voices and hug too much.

lørdag 7. februar 2009

Synchronization at its best

Hall: Did we just fart simultaneously?
Oates: We are so syncronized, it's becoming scary. By the way did you just use the word simultaneously?
Hall: Yeah, we have been saying syncronized too much lately.
Oates: Hmm.. like the sound of it!

tirsdag 3. februar 2009