tirsdag 24. mars 2009

Playing happy birthday on the guitar

Hall: Does this sound like happy birthday?
Oates: It sounds more like another song, can't remember.
Hall: Yeah?
Oates: I know, it sounds like joyeux anniversaire.
Hall: Dickhead!

mandag 23. mars 2009

Smile like you have never smiled before

I smiled to a man passing the corner,
he didn't smile back.
I smiled to a man in Clapham Junction,
he didn't smile back.
I smiled to a man by the water fountain,
he didn't smile back.
I only smile to women, children and cats.

søndag 8. mars 2009


Here the other night I saw a young lad in a club holding himself for the nose, while he was forcing down his rum and coke in one go. Nothing peculiar at all, but there was something….depressive about it.

Here the other day I saw a woman with a lantern on her head in Putney. She was reading a book, while she was jogging. The man passing her by, had the most priceless face.

mandag 2. mars 2009

Put on my radiation suit and slip away.

Late of the Pier has been one of my biggest musical obsessions for a year or so now, they're such a breathe of fresh air. Their 80s inspired new wavish electro-rock tunes make me dance like a spastic weirdo. Additionally I’ve been spending too many hours on Youtube lately trying to familiarize myself with their synth chords. Watching amateurs playing “Space and the Woods” and “Bathroom Gurgle” on their handy vintage Microkorgs makes me weep a little inside. I need an effin synth NOW!